Vocabulary Nov. 30th


Transcends (10) - To go beyond the limits of something. In this case, Coltrane is said to have transcended the limits of jazz during his time.
Lester Young (13) - One of Coltrane's biggest early inspirations.
Parker (13) - The nickname for Charlie Parker who was another large inspiration for Coltrane.
Freelance (22) - Coltrane "Freelanced" in his early career. This meant that Coltrane was recording with and playing with many different bands.
Obscurity (22) - Coltrane was sort of an obscurity in his early career as he followed many different paths in jazz.
Stitt (32) - A very influential musician in Coltrane's life.
Tenor (50) - A lower register saxophone which Coltrane occasionally played.
Alto (50) - The register of saxophone that Coltrane spent most of his career playing.
Soprano (51) - Coltrane began playing this instrument in the 60s when he recorded "My Favorite Things" earning him a lot of respect for it's new application in jazz.
Vamps (52) - A short chord progression that is receptively payed. Coltrane used this technique in "My Favorite Things" allowing for his rendition to be over 8 min long.
Harmonies (55) - The process of simultaneously sounded notes to produce a chordal sound. Coltrane used this a lot throughout his career.
Prolific (77) - Coltrane was a prolific musician. Meaning he had many ideas that most had not thought of from his time.
Session (86) - In music, this is a one or more recording day in the studio.
Exotic (89) - The approach that Coltrane took to his music during the 60s was extremely exotic compared to that of what Miles was doing.
Ornament (111) - Coltrane was an Ornament to the jazz scene by adding different texture.
Superimpose (114) - This is a technique that Coltrane applied to a lot of his music. He would play his own set of changes that were different than that of what was actually being played. This would create a strong amount of tension that most had not heard before.
Modal Jazz (115) - This style of jazz is composed of thinking about specific modes when playing.
Repertory (148) - Coltrane would often play short shows.

Image result for coltrane my favorite thingsHere is Coltrane on the cover of "My Favorite Things" playing a soprano saxophone.


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