Quote Blog

Finished Stevie Ray Vaughan
After finishing the Stevie Ray Vaughan biography, I now have a very deep understanding about Stevie's life. Before reading this book, I knew a few pieces of information about his life, none of which really tied into who he was as a person and what he stood for. One large theme of this book is how he battled with addiction to drugs and alcohol all throughout his career. Stevie was such a caring person throughout his life with the way that he cared for his friends and his band and most importantly his family which includes Jimmy Vaughan. In 1986 Stevie got clean so that he could love his friends, family and music. This event in Stevie's life, I feel, really defines his personality and who he was. The reason personality is even relevant when it comes to a musician is all down to the feeling and the music that they put out. 

When listening to Stevie's music throughout his entire career, you can actually hear the difference between the music that he wrote and produced between the drugged years and the clean years. What I have found is that the music from the drugged years feels almost cold and unaccepting. All of the songs that he wrote in these years were about cold topics like divorce drugs and bad places with his song "Tin Pan Alley". Later on, after Stevie got clean, his writing and playing changed to songs like "Life Without You". Which is a song about loving those around you. One moment that this book talks about is the way that Stevie would reach out and try to help those battling with addiction while on tour. Each gig, he would play life without you and say the words that I quoted from the book below. 

"You see, we are here, as far as I can tell, to help each other; our brothers, our sisters, our friends, our enemies. That is to help each other and not hurt each other."  (288)

For me, with Stevie being one of my largest inspirations, this somewhat makes me look at certain parts of my life with a little more attention. As a person, I already feel as though I love and respect those around me. But there is always more that one can do. I think now, after reading this biography, I am going to try to be more loving towards people. I feel as though if everyone attempted to do the same, so much of our crooked society would be improved! 


  1. learning more about one of your biggest inspirations is awesome, you got to learn more about his life and what he went through to get where he is now.

  2. I saw that Val made a comment about how your blog itself is not as personalized as the one you used last quarter. I agree with this, but since you already had that one set up, I'm wondering if there is any particular reason behind it.


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