Q2 Plan

I have decided to continue studying the different musicians that I look up too. I have found after doing my previous blogs on some of the musicians that I find to me my favorites that I have really benefited in a musical and english sense. After digging into what these musicians value and what they do to achieve the music that I enjoy, I have now found myself looking at my music, and music as a whole in a different perspective. With my Berklee Audition coming up soon, this professional mentality around music is something that I really would like to gain even more knowledge on.

Essential Questions:

- Growing up, what influenced their music
- What does this person value when producing music and/or when improvising
- What is this person looking for when it comes to tonality
- Does this person see music as an educational, or soulful device.
- Scalular or soulful approach to music?

John Coltrane: His Life And Music by Lewis Porter (448 pages)

Stevie Ray Vaughan: Caught In The Crossfire Joe Nick Patoski (336 pages)

Signed, Sealed and Delivered - The Soulful Journey Of Stevie Wonder By Mark Ribowsky  (352 pages)

Image result for Signed, Sealed, and Delivered: The Soulful Journey of Stevie WonderImage result for caught in the crossfire stevie ray vaughanImage result for john coltrane his life and music

Week One 0-126 - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Week Two 126-252 - Stevie Ray Vaughan
Week Three 252-336 Stevie Ray Vaughan   0-42 John Coltrane

Week Four 42-168 - John Coltrane
Week Five 168-294 - John Coltrane
Week Six 294-420 - John Coltrane
Week Seven 420-448 - John Coltrane    0-28 Stevie Wonder

Week eight 28-200 Stevie Wonder
Week Nine 200-352 Stevie Wonder


  1. In your case, I can see continuing the same topic because it will have practical value to you.

    1. Thank you for seeing that! I am benefiting a lot from this class!

  2. I think that you chose a great topic! Something you can relate to for sure. I think you have very good essential questions, you could maybe even ask... What got/drove these artists to get where they are today?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like how you decided to continue your understanding for music, but it will have to still be different than your quarter one plan

  5. Maybe for some of your quick burst blogs you can talk about prepairing for your audition and maybe include videos of you practicing.

  6. Maybe watch a few videos of the artists performing to add to the multimedia aspect


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