Analytical blog


When looking at all of these different musicians, there are many factors that go into their success and musicianship. I think that the largest factor is their personality and determination. These factors seem to always come from an early life experience or childhood. This is relating to my essential question of how does childhood influence ones musical abilities. In the cases of Stevie Ray and Coltrane, it was drive that had developed at a young age that pushed them to success later on in their careers. Though childhoods seemed to provide music with the outlet for these people to express themselves and get themselves away from their hardship.

In Stevie Wonders case, he was famous from the age of 11. Also, Stevie was born blind. These two factors seemed to be have strong influences on Stevie's mentality as a person and a musician. Being bind is a huge handicap for someone who wants to play music as they will inevitably have a hard time figuring out where they are supposed to put their hands on their instruments. This roadblock was something that Stevie seemed to plow through along with any other challenge in his life so far. On August 6th 1973, Stevie got into a massive car accident where the sedan he was in careened into the side of a truck. He nearly died. However, Stevie survived and did not give up. Being blind and black in a time where neither were acceptable, and to be successful through this shows determination. Another thing that improved Stevie's abilities as a famous musician was the fact that he was so successful from a young age. His confidence was massively boosted. To be told at such a young age how good at something you are, ones confidence skyrockets. In Stevie's case, this happened.

Here is a picture of Stevie with his signature sunglasses off. Related image

Having confidence as a musician is a key thing throughout all areas. For one, confidence is what helps one come up with new ideas and it allows them to believe in these new ideas. For Stevie Wonder, being blind and black proposed a very large roadblock in his career, that he would never be extremely successful. However, he had the confidence and the hope that this would be possible, so he made it happen for himself. In music, confidence is key because it allows one to play ideas that may be controversial. By controversial, I mean sounds that contain a lot of tension and can technically be considered "wrong" or "outside" However, when played with confidence, one can believe these ideas and hear them as correct and tasteful.


  1. I think of Stevie Wonder as more of a pop musician than the others you've studied this quarter. Do you think that's true?


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