Quote Blog

355-431 John Coltrane

Coming close to the end of this book on the life of John Coltrane, I have learnt a lot about his connection to music as well as his over all mentality as a musician. Looking at Coltrane's life in entirety with both of his parents dying at the age of 12, nothing seemed to stop Coltrane from achieving what he wanted. He was always determined to get what he wanted, even if it meant that he would have to work extremely hard to achieve it. There were a few people in this book that had said that Coltrane was willing to work harder, practice more, listen more, and play more than anyone else in order to get where he wanted too musically. After reading about his later years with learning under Ornett Coleman, this is absolutely validated. Coltrane spent a lot of time learning about the super imposition style that Coleman had been using through his playing. This idea of super imposing changes is something that really gives musicians a sound that is absolutely supersonic. Coltrane used this style over his album "A Love Supreme".  The idea behind "A Love Supreme" was a way for Coltrane to say "thank you god" for his achievements in his works.

Through Coltrane's work, he always found some sort of helpfulness through playing his horn. Musicians like Miles Davis saw music as a form of expression, but they did not only use their instrument as their way of achieving things in the music world. Miles used people and public stunts as well as playing with other people to promote himself in the music world. Coltrane just worked on his music and only his music to help himself in the music world. Coltrane never did anything wild like Miles did in order to gain popularity. The way that Coltrane got his popularity was solely through his talent and devotion to his instrument. One thing that I really liked that Coltrane stated is the quote below.

"Any time you play your horn, it helps you. You can help yourself even in a rock 'n' roll band." (326)

I really liked this quote because I can relate to it so much. I haven't achieved anything like Coltrane has with my devotion to music, but the one thing that music does allow for me is relaxation and mental clarity. When ever I am stressed or needing to digest something that I am thinking about, I always go to play the guitar in order to clear my head. The best part about this is that when I use music to clear my head, I am also being productive at the same time. This is because I can work on different styles of music and learn about them whilst relaxing and learning my head. It is a win win situation!!

Image result for john coltrane and miles davis


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